John Beel
Name: John Beel
Age: 46…. almost 47, nowhere near 50 ( please don’t ruin this theory)
Location: Hitchin, Hertfordshire.
About me: I qualified as a vet in South Africa and moved to the UK in 2000 with my wife. Completed my post grad studies at the Royal veterinary college and spend my days now doing a mix of managerial work and clinical ophthalmology.
Previous experience: Always liked mountain biking, but I hated running- my rule was, “ I only run when I’m being shot at”! However a friend forced me to do a tough mudder event with him and I loved it! I got into triathlons more as a way to prepare for a mountain climbing trip I was taking and because my wife forced me….. see there is a trend here.
After spectating at an IM 70.3 that my wife did, I thought I’d like to do that! One hitch- I swim really badly! Since then I’ve done several sprints and standards, and one 70.3 distance.
Current goals:
1) Don’t drown! – what makes it worse is my wife swims like a fish
2) run faster than Mr Blobby,
3) IM 70.3 Italy sept,
4) Escape to Afan November
5) Yukon Arctic ultra February 2022
Bucket list events: Everest or K2 summit
Any other random facts: black belt in a few martial arts disciplines, the gene runs in family as both my kids complete national level and eldest represented UK at world Taekwondo championships in Argentina where he got a bronze.