After a year of epic fails when its comes to getting to the start line of races, I was determined to get a 2nd tri in this season, and one where my TT bike could come of the turbo to race for the first time in 3 years.
Mission accomplished. Race was fab, enjoyed it all.
Swim: terrible time, I swim faster 400s when doing 10 x 400m in the pool at endurance pace so who knows what that was about, I know for sure I need to work on my turn under the rope technique, I think the last one was ok but the rest were appaulling.
Bike: really enjoyed being on my TT bike but my handling was shocking. I can count on my fingers the times I’ve been on tarmac in the last 3 years, and boy did it show! I was really slowing down into all turns and roundabouts so wasting a heap load of energy. I’m sure the marshals must have though i was having a mechanical or something.
Run: well my only excuse here is lack of training… really enjoyed it though, I’ve done elenbrook parkrun with the buggy so it was familiar terrain.
Overall the marshals made the event, so friendly and helpful and all smiling. Even the people I didn’t really know very well were cheering me on (the Tri-Force trisuit obviously worked). Lots of lessons learned about sprint racing which I dont normally do, biggest lesson of all is train specific! Bike handling can’t be maintained from a turbo, and snaking up and down a pool under pool ropes is a technique where a little practice will go a long way.
Came 5th Female and 3rd in AG so i guess thats not bad, but a lot to work on for next year if im going to improve over short course racing.
The pool for the swim (image from Tri-Force facebook) -
Heading out on the bike -