113 Middle Distance Tri #2 triathlon, both Cotswolds 113.
Buzzing for days.
Lake 32 was warm, although all open water is warm when you’ve swam in the sea in February. The swim felt good, following the mental map I’d made until I heard ‘shout-y Dave’ yelling to keep swimming, hand up and leg out, one third down. I realise now that I really should take transitions seriously…

Forgot the bloody race number ! On my way out with Dorothy (my sparkling TT) mental check I had everything … and nope … back to my bike rack position to start again. This was where things started to come together a bit however, a two lap super flat course, no real wind (that I remember) and loads of support. The roads were really well marshalled, at every possible corner, turn, roundabout, junction marshal’s controlled the roads. 2/3 done.

Onto the run: “run the first hour as a hard training run, then race.” THE BEST ADVICE (thanks coach !) I knew the run would be the least enjoyable part of the day having had a good swim and I loved the bike. I also knew my training going into the event. But, I actually found it OK. It wasn’t the best bit but I wasn’t desperate for it to be over, wasn’t clinging onto each step and as I finished each lap I knew I could finish. And no, I didn’t race the last hour, but that was OK. I was happy that I was feeling OK.

As I crossed that finish line my watch read 11:51. I knew I had done it. I’d PB’d across the swim, bike and run, on the same course the previous year and most importantly to me I’d got out of my own head, I’d focused on a ‘race.’ I can do time trials whenever and be hard on myself about times but this was a race. I’d overcome what I later realised was fear of trying my best and being disappointed and I’d walked away fit enough to crack on with Outlaw prep.
Lesson 1: remember race number
Lesson 2: this is fun –
Lesson 3: focus on my strengths, training is where you pick apart your weakness.